Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t have an infant (0-1yr)? Can I still benefit from this community?

You don't need to be a parent of an infant to join our community! We are here to support you prenatally, during your postpartum journey and all throughout parenthood.

Can I buy a gift card, class pack or membership for a friend?

Yes! This is a great idea for upcoming baby showers, birthdays, mother’s day, other holidays and just because! (Click here to purchase gift cards & class packs! )

Can I receive individual professional support here, and do you take insurance?

At The Herd we always offer professional Lactation & Mental Health Support. We do not direct contract with insurance but can provide you with a superbill for insurance reimbursement. HSA & FSA cards are also accepted for specialized services.

There will be times where we will have pop-up specialists coming that you will be able to book appointments with as well. If it is a medical professional their insurance contracting will be provider specific but we will make sure it is very clear so you know what’s covered and what’s not!

What if I can’t make the class I signed up for because, you know…parenthood?

We get it, sh*t happens.. and quite literally that can be the reason for being late or missing a commitment all together! We ask that if possible you give us a 24 hour notice if you are going to miss a class or a group so we can offer the spot to another member. But don’t stress, if it is a last minute cancellation, we got you, your paid class can be used for a future one!

If you have a scheduled visit for Mental Health or Lactation and there is not a 24 hour notice for cancellation, there will be a fee that will be provider specific, you will receive that info from us in your new patient paperwork.